5 Non Money Investments People Fail To Make

Written by on June 24


5 Non Money Investments People Fail To Make

Making investments today is crucial to having prosperity in your future. The problem with trying to decide how to invest is that it can seem like a very overwhelming process to endure.

Oftentimes, what we perceive as a daunting undertaking renders us helpless. Therefore we end up not investing in anything at all. It all comes down to fear.

Fear is such a powerful emotion, that we all too often let cause us to run in the other direction. The best way to overcome that fear is by facing it head-on.

Investments are key to your long-term success. If you let your fear of investing control you, then your future won’t be as bright as it could’ve been.

Investments come in numerous forms. They can be individual stocks, mutual funds, or index funds. There are plenty of investment vehicles for you to choose from.

There’s a ton of rhetoric centered around what companies to invest your money in. Conversely, you can find plenty more about what companies to stay away from.

However, there are some really key investments that we have to make choices about. Keep in mind that these particular investments don’t necessarily have anything to do with money.

We’ve come to realize that there are 5 non-money important investments that people fail to make.

It is our hope that you will make every effort to begin to make these investments right away. We want this to be the case so that your long-term future can benefit from them.


When life starts to get busy, one of the first places that you begin to stop investing in is your marriage. There is no relationship here on earth that is more important than the relationship between husband and wife.

Your marriage is a covenant that you made before God, in which you vowed to love each other until death. Therefore, we can’t let the daily routines of life take us over to the point that we fail to invest quality time and quality activities into our marriages on a regular (even daily) basis.

Pull out the calendar before the new month begins and carve out time to spend together. It is imperative that you continue to invest in the relationship that matters the most.


For most of us, we ceased to make quality investments in our personal health long ago. An increase in processed food coupled with a decrease in exercise is the recipe for disaster for our health.

Failed investments in the area of our health can literally cost us everything. The price tag for failing to invest in our bodies is much too steep for any of us to ignore.

For that reason, it’s essential to consider what we eat, and find time to engage in daily physical activity.


Do you remember the moment that you first became a parent? Joy and fear came rushing through your body all at the same time, right?

Over time that joy and that fear dissipate, and our children usually wind up sliding downwards on our list of priorities.

Our children are growing right before our eyes, but if we let a multitude of other things consume all of our time, we’ll blink and they’re be full grown adults.

Always remember that you can make more money, but you don’t have the ability to make more time. Every moment that we spend with our children is not only precious for their well being, but for ours as well.


We don’t know about you, but more often than not, we get to the end of a long day or even a long week only to realize that we haven’t done one thing for ourselves individually.

Oftentimes we spend so much time trying to do our jobs for our family, that we don’t take the proper amount of time for ourselves. That only leads to feelings of emptiness and unfulfillment.

The reason for this is because we have to carve out some time from our busy schedules to enjoy activities that bring us personal satisfaction. Make time to read a book, or go for a walk; anything that allows you to recharge and reflect on a personal level.


The last investment that we’ll discuss, should actually be your first priority. Nothing on this earth can bring you wholeness and fulfillment like Jesus Christ can.

He truly is the source of your strength. In good times and in bad, He is where we find our true identity and sense of purpose in this life.

It is imperative that you stay connected to Him through prayer, reading His word, and fellowship with a local Bible-believing community of believers. Without this investment being made, all of the other investments that we have discussed will fail to bring in the returns that you desire.


It’s time for a bit of self-reflection, to determine whether or not you are making these investments. If you find yourself coming up short, then make changes today and bring some balance to your life.


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