How To Use Side Hustles To Become Debt Free

Being in debt straight out of college and struggling to pay off your student loans can be an overbearingly negative affect on your lifestyle, not just now but for years and years to come. It can also seem like the end is nowhere in sight. Is this you? Well, you’re not alone — with $1.4 trillion in student loans currently withstanding in the U.S., it’s actually become the norm.

When you’re in the process of going debt-free, chances are you’re looking for several different ways to save, cut expenses, and pay off your loans as soon as possible. In the heat of the struggle, it might not even occur to you that there’s another step that could make the journey a little bit easier for you, and might even make your financial freedom even more rewarding in the long run: side hustling.

On today’s episode of The His & Her Money Show, David Carlson is with us to talk a little bit about his new book, Hustle Away Debt, which teaches an alternate solution to get out of debt with side hustling. David and his wife know first-hand what the incredible results of having more money coming in to pay off loans look like, and he’s sharing the story of their ongoing battle against debt, and the work they’re putting in towards finding debt-free financial freedom!

Even before they got married, David and his wife have always been savvy with their personal finances, but between the two of them, they had about $100,000 worth of debt — and most of it was just their student loans. Now with his wife entering grad school, David realized they were looking at paying off even more tuition in the near future, but what would happen if they kept pushing their pre-existing loans to the back burner?

The first thing is to look at your interests, and then what your current skill set is.

The debt was hurting their relationship and their lifestyle, and it was time to crack down on the situation before it got out of hand. David and his wife have always been pretty savvy with their personal finances, and it was only natural for David, an entrepreneur at heart, to decide that branching out from the 9 to 5 and testing outside hustling was the way to go — and with Hustle Away Debt, you can too!

Check out David’s website! |

What You Will Learn

  • Side hustles that David and his wife are utilizing and recommend
  • Tips from David for finding and choosing your side hustle(s)
  • How David and his wife keep their resolve and marriage strong through their debt-free journey
  • Setting goals to stay motivated and not get overwhelmed

Resources Mentioned

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How To Use Side Hustles To Become Debt Free


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