Finding Hope in the Darkness of Depression

With so much going on in the world, some things are talked about more than others, even things that are of equal or even greater importance — and one of the less-talked-about but still prevalent issues in our society are the stigmas and common misconceptions around mental health and mental illness.

The discussion around these topics is getting better, but we’re not there yet, and the only way to spread awareness and spark change is to speak up and keep the conversation rolling.

On this episode of the His & Her Money Show, Sarah J. Robinson is joining us to get serious about mental health. With her new book, I Love Jesus But I Want to Die: Finding Hope in the Darkness of Depression,

Sarah is sharing her personal journey and tackling the tough questions around mental health and illnesses, particularly in the Christian church, and providing insight, inspiration, and practical tools and resources for her readers to find a deeper understanding of their mental health.

As she struggled with depression, when Sarah became a Christian, she found herself feeling confused and out of place. There were a lot of things her peers had to say about mental illness, but for Sarah, none of them were helpful, and the questions she asked herself lacked answers. Could she ever feel differently? Was she a bad Christian? She felt like there was no one to turn to and no way out.

However, eventually, Sarah was able to seek the help that she needed! Through her own journey in learning and healing, Sarah realized that she wasn’t alone — there are so many others who feel trapped and misunderstood and possibly even ostracized by their church during their time of need.

I Love Jesus But I Want to Die is a powerful resource for anybody who might be struggling to find the light at the end of the tunnel, and a loving guide to living well even as you live with depression and anxiety.

What You Will Learn

  • How Sarah came to terms with her own mental health.
  • Breaking misconceptions of mental health and illness in the Christian community.
  • Little known signs of depression.
  • Shame, and shaking it off in the face of adversary.
  • Talking to someone who you suspect may be struggling with their mental health.
  • Unpacking why being a “bad Christian” is a harmful ideology.

Resources Mentioned

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