How Eric Rosenberg Paid Off All Of His Student Loans In Less Than 2 Years!

Are you drowning under the weight of being in student loan debt? Well, we want to encourage you to know, that the burden of debt that you are carrying around, doesn’t have to stay on your back forever.

The fact of the matter is, that becoming debt-free can be a reality for you, even if you have a bunch of student loan debt. To help you see this picture more clearly, we brought on a special guest by the name of Eric Rosenberg from Personal Profitability, to share his story. He was once buried in student loan debt as a result of obtaining his MBA degree. However, he was able to pay off every bit of his loans, and he did it under 2 years!

Eric is the founder and editor of Personal Profitability. He is a financial analyst with an MBA and undergraduate finance degree. He has worked in banking and wants to share what he learned to help you save time, money, and headache.

What You Will Learn

  • How Eric ended up in debt, and how much total debt he ended up with.
  • The steps he took to become debt-free in such a short period of time.
  • His recommendation for getting out of debt and having fun at the same time.

Resources Mentioned

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