How Malcolm Destroyed $100k of Debt in Three Years

Something that we want everybody out there to remember is this: getting out of debt is NOT unachievable! Paying off all your debt and living totally debt-free is a wonderful goal to be had, but at the same time, it’s easy to look at all these debt-free stories and talk yourself back from the edge. “That could never be me…right?” Well, it could be — you just have to get started!

On this episode of the His & Her Money Show, we’re bringing you another amazing debt-free story to get you excited and inspired! This time, Malcolm Hodge is taking the mic to tell us how he busted his $100,000 debt in just three years.

Malcolm is passionate about personal finance and he’s got some tips and tricks that you can borrow and apply to your own debt-free journey, so make sure to take some notes and get ready to take charge of your debt once and for all!

When Malcolm hit the turning point, he was almost $100,000 in debt. Being an engineer and a personal finance guy, he immediately crunched the numbers, and once he realized exactly how much of his income would be going towards his student loans, that was it — something had to change!

From there, he changed his mindset AND his outlook, then it was all about discovering what worked best for his debt-free path according to his lifestyle, income, and goals. 

It wasn’t always easy, but as he dipped his toes in financial waters such as investing, Malcolm was putting in the work and started seeing the results! Soon enough, he put that last payment through, reversed his negative net worth, and unlocked the world of total debt freedom — and he wants you to know that you can too!

What You Will Learn

  • How Malcolm achieved financial freedom.
  • Malcolm’s tips and tricks to staying focused and hitting your debt freedom goals.
  • A quick look at investing for beginners.
  • Finding creative ways to cut costs.
  • How to do smart and efficient research.

Resources Mentioned


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