How Matthew Eliminated $25,000 of Debt in 8 Months

Staying focused with strong determination plays a big role in whatever you’re doing to get to the finish line. You can overcome any obstacles when you set your mind to your goals, execute effort, and never give up! Success is sweeter when you know you’ve strived hard to get it.

On today’s episode of The His & Her Money Show, we’ve got Matthew Bently here to share his awesome story to motivate and inspire you to take action to attain debt freedom. His story is incredible because he successfully eliminated $25,000 of debt in 8 months! How could this possibly happen? Listen and find out!

You can do it if you set your mind to it.

Matthew started student loans at a very young age and it increased when he earned his Master’s degree.  His great fear in life was having loans, but couldn’t avoid them. Right after he graduated and got his first job, he tried to save and work.

But then something made him open his eyes and he decided to destroy his debt. Right away, he threw $6,000 from his $10,000 savings into it. He took another job working 50-55 hours a week. He was exhausted and made sacrifices to reach his debt-free goal. But he never gave up and feels good every time he sees more income.

At that time, Matthew had minimal time to spend with his girlfriend, but she remained supportive of him and his goal. He has no time for his aspiring music career either, which is his passion.

He lived extremely minimally in order to save as much money as possible. Furthermore, Matthew even took a bike to his second job and a bus home.

The day finally arrived when he made the last payment on his debt. He can’t describe how good it was after working so hard for a long time finally coming to the finish line. It was unbelievable.

Now, he’s trying to rebuild his savings and create more time for music. He has no interest in having an expensive lifestyle and buying new cars–but just enjoying life to the fullest.

What You Will Learn

  • How Matthew eliminated $25,000 of debt in 8 months.
  • How he shifted his mindset to kicking out debt.
  • The toughest part of the process.
  • How he motivated himself to not give up.
  • His strategy of throwing money at debt.
  • The difference between his life then and now.
  • What he learned along the journey.
  • Words of encouragement for people who want to be debt-free.

 Resources Mentioned

Thanks For Listening!

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Today’s show was sponsored by Teach Me How To Budget. If you are ready to gain freedom in your finances once and for all then enroll in our brand new personal finance course Teach Me How To Budget.


How Matthew Eliminated $25,000 of Debt in 8 Months


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