How This Couple is Choosing to Pay Off Their Debt Before Marriage

In this episode of “In the Middle,” we talk to Ashonzay and Ellie, a couple that has combined their debt-free journey with their health and lifestyle changes. They are the founders of Debt Free & Fitness, and their mission is to help people live a healthy lifestyle with both their finances and their bodies. 

Ashonzay and Ellie came from different financial backgrounds, and consequently, they entered into their relationship with very different financial situations. I

n total, their debt began at 120k, with most of it coming from Ashonzay, and within the past 6 months, they have reduced it by about 26k. 

Ashonzay openly shares about his hesitation to be transparent with Ellie about his debt, feeling ashamed, embarrassed, and fearful that it might negatively impact their relationship.

In response, Ellie sets an incredible example of acknowledging her privilege, showing compassion, and accepting responsibility for her future husband’s debt.

The couple emphasizes the importance of intentional spending. Simply by making budgets, they were quickly able to knock out their car loan and credit card debt, giving themselves the momentum to continue on their journey.

They share how they made compromises with both their lifestyles by meal planning two different menus, being frugal with upcoming wedding expenses, and preventing burnout with discretionary budgets. 

Ashonzay and Ellie are an incredible example of how open communication and empathy can truly strengthen a relationship, regardless of financial hardship. They have managed to live intentionally while still finding joy in their lives.

And they have found a way to combine their financial and lifestyle goals to create a much healthier future for themselves. If you have ever struggled with staying motivated towards not only your finances but also your health goals, this episode is for you.

What You Will Learn

  • How to accept and understand your partner’s debt
  • How to have a conversation with your partner about your debt
  • Becoming financially transparent prior to marriage
  • Creating discretionary budgets to make budgeting sustainable
  • Organizing budgets and savings towards multiple goals
  • Cutting back on excess spending
  • Meal prepping to help both the budget and health
  • Living intentionally while avoiding burnout
  • Building a debt-free community
  • Finding joy in things that don’t cost money
  • Pushing through non-motivation and remembering your “Why”

Resources Mentioned

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