How This Couple Is Using A Phased-Based Debt Payoff Plan To Get Out Of Debt

Here at His & Her Money, we’re all about helping couples figure things out, whether it gets down to marriage, money, or whatever else. And when it IS about money, we know it’s important to be on the same page when it comes to finances and that deciding how to tackle debt takes it to a whole new level.

It’s can always be a little easier when we have some examples to follow along the way. That’s just one of the reasons why we love bringing on guests who can drop their nuggets of wisdom and help everybody get started on their own journeys to debt freedom!

On this episode of the His & Her Money Show, we’re talking to a couple who has the first-hand experience on what it takes to plan, budget, and pay your way to total debt elimination. Brandon and Audri have been married 14 months and in that time, while they’re still in the middle of their debt-free journey, they’ve knocked out $30,000 of debt and are going strong!

Brandon and Audri had finances in their minds since their actual wedding day when two financial gurus were having a meet-up the very same day. Yes, they chose the wedding. But the newlyweds took their enthusiasm on the honeymoon and came back totally prepared to start tackling their debt. They decided to adopt a phase-based plan and got serious. 

They share how they benefited from premarital counseling and how those conversations lead to getting on the same page. This included weekly budget meetings, and structuring their debt freedom strategies to suit their means, needs, and lifestyle.

This is some great first-hand perspective from a smart money couple who’s currently deep in the financial freedom trenches and learning more and more every day. They dropped tons of facts and wisdom so you can do the same!

Follow their journey on Instagram @journeytoproverbs!

What You Will Learn

  • Keeping up a flexible lifestyle even while living within the budget
  • The benefits of having positive money role models
  • Brandon and Audri break down their phase-based debt elimination plan
  • Finding a money management strategy that fits you both as a couple
  • Understanding interest rates
  • How Brandon and Audri are staying on track to continue knocking out their debt in the future

Resources Mentioned

Thanks For Listening!

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