How Von and Elzie Hustled and Grinded Their Way To Debt Freedom!

Debt freedom is a journey. You don’t just decide one day that you want to get out of debt, snap your fingers, and all the work gets done for you! Making that decision to pay off your debt is the first step, and from there it’s all about mindset, strategy, determination, and probably some elbow grease to get to where you want to be — and that’s financial freedom!

Today on the His & Her Money Show, we’re talking with a couple who knows all about that! The Mitchells were actually one of our “in the middle” guests back in 2019 when they first came on the show, because back then, they weren’t quite done with their debt-free journey. So today, we’re following up with Von and Elzie for an update on how it’s all going, and it’s definitely going well!

As some of you might already know, this Virginia couple was once $125,000 in debt under Von’s student loans. When Von decided enough was enough, initially Elzie didn’t share in the enthusiasm. After all, Von’s student loans weren’t his responsibility, right? Not so much! 

Life started happening, and soon they both realized that it was time to get on the same page and bust this debt out once and for all — and today Von and Elzie are happy to report that they’re officially debt-free!

We had a blast catching up with the Mitchells, and their story could be an inspiration to anybody thinking about taking control of their finances and eliminating their debt, as a couple or even as a single. They take us through their process, how they started, how they kept the momentum up, and eventually how it all came together to sweet, sweet financial freedom. We love a good debt-free success story, and this is it!

What You Will Learn

  • How Von and Elzie achieved financial freedom!
  • Military benefits that might help on the debt-free journey.
  • Managing finances during a pandemic.
  • A look into Von and Elzie’s real estate investment journey.

Resources Mentioned


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