Increasing The Quality of Your Money and Your Marriage

Money can play a big part in tearing a marriage apart. Some marriages even end in divorce because of this tricky issue. But if you are struggling with money issues in your marriage, please know that you are not alone. There are many others experiencing what you are going through.

Have hope because you can make the necessary changes to improve in this area. You and your spouse can be victorious and overcome. All you have to do is take the first step.

In today’s episode of The His & Her Money Show, Brian and Cherie Lowe share nuggets, tips, and strategies on money and marriage. In 2008 they were in the midst of paying off all their consumer debt. They thought it would take them fifteen years, seven and a half if they really hustled, but by God’s grace they paid off all their consumer debt of $127,482,30 in just under four years.

Cherie runs a money-saving website, called Queen of Free, and together they wrote a book called Your Money, Your Marriage. The premise behind the book was to show that if arguments about money can push couples apart, then agreements on money could pull them together.

The Marriage and Money Connection

Through their own personal experience in this field, as well as research that has been done, they realized that there is a deep connection between intimacy and money. Healthily shared money management skills (like organization, communication, trust, prioritizing time together), transfer into other areas of marriage, even into the bedroom. They cover challenges like the “busy monster”, how to have a date night on a budget, and how financial pressure can actually bring spouses closer together.

Brian and Cherie talk about financial infidelity and how detrimental it can be to marriage. Furthermore, they discuss how sometimes a third party is needed to intervene and help. They also remind us to celebrate the victories together and have as much fun as possible, even when paying off debt.

The Three C’s

Compromise, consistency, and communication are the three Cs that are very important in marriage and money issues. Moreover, if husbands and wives have shared values and they communicate their needs clearly to each other, then it will be easy to bring these qualities into the budget area of the marriage as well.

Get in touch with Cherie at and with Brian and Cherie at

What You Will Learn

  • How do I get my spouse on the same page about finances?
  • Why being consistent tells your spouse: I love you.
  • How to talk about money with your spouse, (even if it feels awkward).
  • How to organize money issues and declutter it.
  • Teaching your children money wisdom.
  • What are financial foreplay and financial intimacy?
  • How to remove those barriers to intimacy.
  • What is a generous fund?

Resources Mentioned

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Increasing The Quality of Your Money and Your Marriage


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