Why The World Needs You To Live Your Heart Out

The world is a well-oiled machine, but it’s not perfect. Things are happening every day that are beyond our control, and we all have a lot on our plates – not just financially, but with our personal lives and relationships and anything in between.

Everybody just takes it one day at a time, whether you’re working through a tough spot or living your best life, and something we may not think about as often as our own struggles and responsibilities is how we and our lives could be more positively affecting others, and being mindful of our individual impact on the world.

On today’s episode of The His & Her Money Show, we hope you’re prepared to have your eyes opened and get inspired because Rodney Bullard is joining us for some great, great conversation.

Rodney, a US Air Force veteran currently stationed as Vice President of Community Affairs for Chick-Fil-A, is the author of a brand new book called HEROES WANTED: WHY THE WORLD NEEDS YOU TO LIVE YOUR HEART OUT. It’s an amazing read, and he gives us a taste in this interview you won’t want to miss – so we hope you’re grabbing a pen and taking notes!

Each and every one of us has a hero in us.

Rodney is a man of many talents. Serving in the Air Force, he went on to become a JAG, worked at the Pentagon, and became a federal prosecutor before moving into the business world.

During this time, he studied at Duke University School of Law, the University of Georgia, AND Harvard Business School. It’s a lot, and there’s a trend in everything Rodney’s accomplished and aspired to be: in some way, he’s helping others, which is exactly what he’s most passionate about.

Growing up, Rodney was lucky to have positive role models and “heroes” in his life. Unfortunately, this isn’t as common as it should be – especially in the African-American community. He believes that it’s up to us to extend that helping hand whenever possible regardless of our shortcomings.

In his book, Rodney puts it all out there on how we can start making that positive change. He also teaches on building strong community ties until we’re living our lives to the fullest with confidence and conviction!

What You Will Learn

  • The power of “only”
  • The importance of not underestimating yourself and realizing your potential to impact change
  • Rodney’s 3-Feet Rule to changing the world
  • The nine C’s to positivity

Resources Mentioned

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Why The World Needs You To Live Your Heart Out with Rodney Bullard

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