Making Your Marriage a Fortress

Marriage is a fortress. It’s a place where our spouse is safe, and we are safe. It’s a place where our spouses can relax and be themselves, knowing that they will not be criticized or judged for their actions.

Marriage is a fortress of love and understanding, where two people who love each other can lay down their weapons and live in peace. Marriage is where we feel safe to open up about our thoughts and emotions because we know that our spouse won’t use them against us later on. It’s where we can share all of our dreams, no matter how crazy or far-fetched they may seem.

Marriage should be a place where we can share anything and everything with each other without fear of being judged or criticized for it; it should be a place where we feel completely safe to let go of all control and give up all control over things that don’t matter to gain the most important thing: peace.

In this episode of His and Her Money Show, we are joined by Gary Thomas, a bestselling author, and international speaker. His ministry brings people closer to Christ and closer to others. He unites the study of Scripture, church history, and the Christian classics to foster spiritual growth and deeper relationships within the Christian community. 

Gary Thomas explains how you can make your marriage a fortress. He talks about the story behind his book: Making Your Marriage a Fortress, why you need to make your marriage a fortress, the three steps of making your marriage a fortress, and the importance of deepening and strengthening your emotional connection with your partner. He also shares the key to a fulfilling, mature and successful life. Tune in to learn more!

What You Will Learn:

  • The story behind the book: Making Your Marriage a Fortress
  • Why you need to make your marriage a fortress
  • The three steps of making your marriage a fortress
  • The importance of deepening and strengthening your emotional connection with your partner
  • Tips for building the stamina needed in our marriages during the hard times
  • The Bible verses on perseverance
  • The key to a fulfilling, mature and successful life
  • The difference between marriages that have built fortresses and those that have failed
  • Advice to couples wanting to rebuild their fortress

Resources Mentioned:

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