Master These Four Rules of Budgeting To Start Winning With Your Money

Whenever a conversation comes up about money and improving your financial situation, budgets are sure to come into it. Making and sticking to a budget is a basic principle of money management, but as talked about as it is, it can often be overlooked or just not executed properly enough to be effective.

When a good, solid budget is put to work, though, the rewards are exponential not just keeping track of your income but creating a mindset of mindful spending and setting healthy financial goals.

On today’s episode of the His & Her Money Show, our guest speaker Jesse Mecham is a man who takes his budgets very, VERY seriously. That’s why he’s the founder and CEO of You Need A Budget. YNAB is a company that’s all-in on guiding people and business owners to understanding all things money management. 

YNAB started out as a side hustle and then it grew with Jesse and his family into an invaluable platform where he’s a huge champion of budgets, out to spread the word on why they’re essential, what they really are, and how you can get started on your own.

The crux of the budget system is deciding where you want your money to go and making sure it ends up there. For that, Jesse knows the first step is learning your own spending habits. From there, you can build mindfulness and awareness towards figuring out what a budget might look for you, whether it’s personal or business, and start putting in the work. 

He’s dropping so much information on the topic, including loads of insight on financial management for couples, from bringing a reluctant significant other onboard and the importance of tackling the budget as a united front. Jesse is a walking wealth of information and this is an episode with serious note-taking potential. Get your pens and papers out to get some of this knowledge down. Moreover, get ready to get started on that budget!

Get a free YNAB trial by clicking here

What You Will Learn

  • The four rules of budgeting
  • How to keep it simple as you craft your budget
  • Jesse shares his top budgeting strategies
  • Tips and insights for entrepreneurs figuring out how to manage their business and finances
  • Why you should have a budget for your business
  • The importance of keeping an eye on your money

Resources Mentioned

Thanks For Listening!

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