Powerful Conversations with Cornelius and Heather Lindsey | The Power Of Rising From Rock Bottom

Here at His and Her Money, we’re all about helping couples through every single aspect of life, big or small, be it financially, spiritually, or even in the marital realm itself.

These are conversations that we as a community NEED to be having every day, and sometimes we even bring on another couple sit down with us and do exactly that.

Today, that couple is the Lindseys, joining us for an incredible episode of the His & Her Money Show. Cornelius and Heather are the very definitions of a power couple.

They’ve been married for 10 years and in that time, they’ve amassed 23 books between them as well as started their own church, the Gathering Oasis, and so much more. And now they’re here to walk us all through it!

They take us back to the very beginnings, when they first met and how their relationship blossomed despite their differences as individuals. Heather grew up in a big family without a lot of money, so the entrepreneurial seed was planted in her early. Meanwhile, Cornelius liked to err on the side of caution. 

But together, they’ve made powerful things happen, and they’ve got so much to share across their views on marriage, entrepreneurship, faith, and beyond – making this quite possibly our best show yet.

So, you might just want to grab your pen and paper and take some notes because Cornelius and Heather have an incredible wealth of advice to offer, or at the very least, we hope this episode inspires you to check them out online, read their books, follow their teachings, and soak up all that knowledge and wisdom.

What You Will Learn

  • Unpacking their temporary house mindset
  • How Cornelius and Heather overcame their differences
  • The power of rising from rock bottom
  • The importance of realizing your individuality to work together better as a couple
  • Overcoming trauma
  • Realizing when it’s time to let go of a failing endeavor

Resources Mentioned

Thanks For Listening!

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Today’s show is sponsored by Legal and General America. Legal & General America makes understanding and applying for life insurance easy. Also, agents are standing by to help you determine the best coverage to fit your family’s needs.

Visit HisandHerMoney.com/lgapodcast to get started on your journey toward financial wellness.


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