Revelation of Royalty: Rediscovering Your Royalty Identity in Christ with Bill Winston

When you hear the term soul searching, it probably doesn’t sound like something you want to spend a lot of time doing. In fact, you might not want anything to do with it at all! But sometimes we have to look deep and figure out why we do the things that we do and move the ways that we move, what inspires us, motivates us, and what might be holding us back. And sometimes that’s a spiritual journey with more waiting for us at the other side than we could have imagined.

For this episode of the His & Her Money Show, Dr. Bill Winston is joining us for a conversation packed with wisdom, sound advice, and SO many gold nuggets that he’s dropping for you today! We’ve been followers of Bill for years and couldn’t be happier to have him on the show, or more excited for our listeners to get in on everything he has to offer on life, faith, and business.

Bill has been all over the map in his career, from the ROTC to a career in technology, and from there he started a ministry alongside his wife with offices worldwide. Bill Winston Ministries has helped thousands upon thousands of people, and a big part of that outreach has been encouraging followers of Christ to be real with themselves, figure themselves out, find their purpose, and learn a little bit more about themselves in the long run. It’s a journey, and it’s not always easy, but with sage words of inspiration from Dr. Winston, it’s more than possible — and very, very worth it!

What You Will Learn

  • Why we need to learn about ourselves to find our purpose within God’s kingdom.
  • Looking into the ministry run by Bill and his wife.
  • First steps for born-again Christians.
  • Simple ways to start looking deeper at ourselves day by day.

Resources Mentioned


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