Strengthening the Soul of Your Marriage

If you have ever been married, you know that marriage is beautiful, but it is also one of the most challenging things you will ever do. It takes work and effort from both parties to make a marriage work. Marriage can be an adventure, but it can also be a hard road. You have to be willing to put in the time and effort if you want it to work out.

The first thing is to realize that there are no magic bullets, quick fixes, or easy answers. You must understand what makes a marriage work and then work at making it work for you. In this episode of The His and Her Money Show, we are joined by Levi Lusko and Jennie Lusko, a couple that has been married for the past eighteen years, church leaders, podcasters, and the authors of the book: The Marriage Devotional.

Levi and Jennie explain how we can make our marriages better. They share the story behind the book: The Marriage Devotional, the importance of unity and humility in our marriages, and the tips to close the gap you have with your spouse. They also talk about the benefits of having Jesus at the center of your marriage and the power of surrounding yourself with other solid couples. Tune in to learn more!

What You Will Learn

  • The story behind the book: The Marriage Devotional
  • The importance of unity and humility in your marriage
  • Tips to close the gap that you have with your spouse
  • Ways to find quality time in your marriage despite the busy schedule
  • Tackling tough and critical conversions in your marriage
  • Improving communication in your marriage
  • Having Jesus at the center of your marriage
  • The power of surrounding yourself with other solid couples
  • Daily routines you should infuse into your marriage

Episode Resources:

Connect with Levi and Jennie Lusko:


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