The Blueprint to Financial Independence

Life is all about stretching the dollar to provide and care for those in your family and circle. But much can be saved from working regular, day-to-day jobs.

From a young age, both Chris and his wife had the anti-debt mentality, which helped drive them to early retirement, and to be successful before their wedding day.

This level of commitment can be replicated by taking a step back and looking at taxes, payment plans, finance, etc. from a different perspective.

In this episode of the His & Her Money Show, you will hear about the amazing story of Chris Mamula, and how he retired at “41”.

Chris was able to clear his own and his wife’s debts by crucially saving all before; the wedding and the birth of their baby daughter. 

He shares the ideas and motivation behind his new-found perspective on savings and living off 50% income, but still experiencing an adventurous lifestyle ranging from; traveling, housing, and going to the Superbowl!

You will learn that there is no need to have a sense of fear about budgeting and financial saving, how to overcome roadblocks and challenges.

With the help of ChooseFI, Chris learned how to aggressively pay off his home, and used the tools available and not personally investing in a personal object like cars, travel, etc. to focus on investment fees, taxes, savings, and family.

What You Will Learn 

  • Ways to spend less, earn more, and invest wisely
  • A lesson on planned taxes, and how to save for them
  • The first steps Chris took to save, and how his upbringing taught him some valuable lessons
  • The mindset of Chris, and how to retire early
  • How saving 50% of your income can benefit you in the future
  • Saving is difficult at times, but Chris gives us his take to handle the stress and challenges
  • Live off one income, and put everything else into beating debts

Resources Mentioned

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