The Injustice That Is Silently Destroying Women

With recent events, including the murder of Breona Taylor, George Floyd, and Ahmaud Arbery, the holes in the system and our society as a whole have once again come to light, and everybody has questions. Why do these things keep happening?

What needs to change, and who can make that change? When? Some of these answers may be grey, but as black people, it’s imperative that we keep these lines of communication open.

So, that’s exactly what we’re doing today. In this episode of the His & Her Money Show, Dr. Christina Edmondson is taking the world to school on race, gender, and especially, changing up the narrative for black women.

Christina, mom of two and wife of a pastor, holds a Master’s degree with a background in sociology and psychology, so she knows a whole lot about a WHOLE LOT, and she’s here today dropping nuggets on some of the key points to unifying ourselves socially, spiritually, and beyond.

We talk about systemic racism through the years, and how harmful and outdated ideals are still impacting the world today. In particular, Christina highlights the day-to-day plights black women face and how those issues have shaped throughout history, and her hopes for the future as those discrepancies — medically, professionally, financially, and emotionally — are increasingly brought to the forefront. 

It’s no secret that Christina has a bottomless tool belt full of facts, insight, and resources surrounding the topics of gender and race, and she’s challenging us all to have the tough conversations so we can open up communication and take action, inspiring change with faith, tenacity, and no boundaries.

What You Will Learn

  • Breaking down problematic stereotypes
  • We discuss black identity
  • The “role” of the black woman through history, and how Christina hopes we can change the narrative
  • Recognizing the many forms of systemic racism
  • We discuss current events such as the murder of George Floyd and the spark of change ignited in America
  • Breaking down the mistreatment of black women in the medical industry

Resources Mentioned

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