11 Tips For Praying For Your Spouse

Written by on August 29

Taking the time to pray for your spouse is one of the most important things you can do for each other. God is the center of your relationship and you can put that into focus when you make prayer a priority and trust Him for specific things for your partner. 

Tips for Praying for Your Spouse 

There are many reasons as to why people do not pray for and with their spouses. In our experience, all of them can be worked through. If you follow the tips below, you will be able to find the time to get in the presence of God and lift your partner up in prayer. 


Write It Down

If you want to continuously pray for your spouse, you have to make it a priority. The best way to do this is to write it down, either on a notepad that you can take into your quiet time, or in your prayer journal if you have one. Creating a prayer list is great for all your prayers, because it keeps you on track. 

Having it written down is like a commitment to yourself to pray for your spouse. When you see it, you will remember that you need to carve out some time to pray for your spouse. 

Ask Your Spouse What They Need Prayer for 

Even though we live with our spouses, there are just some things that we will not know unless we ask. When we ask our partner what they need prayer for, it opens up a channel for deeper conversations and you will be able to understand what they need in that moment. 

Be Specific

Praying for peace and protection is nice, but it is not personal or specific. Whether or not you are praying for yourself, you should be specific in your prayers. It allows you to understand what you truly want, and you will be able to see it more clearly when God answers those prayers. 

Related Podcast: Steps To Getting On The Same Page with Your Spouse

Praying Together as a Couple 

Praying for each other is very important but so is praying with each other. It is a great way to draw yourselves closer to each other while you are pressing into God. 

Schedule It 

The most common reason couples give for not praying together is that their schedules do not allow it and they do not have the time. It could be that one person wakes up much earlier than the other, or that night time doesn’t work because you are both so tired and go straight to bed. 

The truth is that if you do not make the time, you will never have the time. So you have to schedule it on your calendar every day and commit to the time, even if it means waking up a bit earlier in the morning or sneaking out for a few minutes while the kids are watching TV. 

Don’t Make the Prayers Too Long 

You don’t have to make time for long, drawn out prayers every single day. Just 10 minutes can be enough, if that is all you can manage. 

Sometimes praying together can seem intimidating if you have never done it before. Praying with your spouse for a shorter period at first might help you both feel more comfortable. 

If you want to extend the prayer time in the moment, or when you two feel more comfortable then you should! But the most important thing is that you start. 

Pray Silently 

Praying out loud can be quite daunting for many, even if it’s just in front of their spouse. If you feel that way as well, then you can just start by praying silently for each other. 

You can share the things that you would like to pray for and then pray for those things in your own hearts. The more you do this, the more comfortable you will get, and eventually you will be able to stretch yourself into praying out loud. 

What Should I Be Praying For? 

This is a common question that couples have when they first start praying for each other. There are no rules; you can pray for anything that is on your heart. There is really no wrong way to pray, and there is nothing that is off limits. But to help you get started, here are some things that every couple can pray for. 

Pray for Your Marriage

Praying for a strong marriage is not only a benefit to you, but also to others. When you are able to come together as one, you are stronger and can accomplish more. 

Ask God to grant you a shared vision and the wisdom to see where you can lend a helping hand. For all this to happen you need the presence of God in your life and in your marriage, which is also something you can pray for. 

Pray for Your Family

Your children should be something you pray for every single day. Pray that they are protected and blessed in every situation. 

Praying with your children is even better. When they know that you pray for them, they can rely on that prayer every day. It is also a great way to help them build a relationship with God. 

Pray for Protection and Peace

We will all go through tough spots in life. Some days are harder than others. In those moments it helps to know that you have already prayed over that. 

Protection is not just for physical aspects but for mental, emotional, and spiritual ones too. We are put under incredible pressure in this world, and God’s protection and peace is what gets us through it all. 

Pray for Today and the Future

Both today and the future are important things to pray for. God is in both of these areas, and can help guide us to a better future by having his hand over today. 

Pray that both of you would have wisdom to make the right decisions during the day, and that God’s hand will be over the future of your family. 

Pray That You Will Be a Better Spouse

We can all always improve. Asking God for this will help us to open up our hearts so that God can change them. It helps when your spouse hears that you want to be better. It shows humility and that you love the other person enough to be willing to be a better person.

Related Video: 6 Ways To Improve Financial Intimacy With Your Spouse

Final Words 

There is no perfect prayer or way to pray. What is important is that it comes from your heart. When you and your spouse pray together and stand in agreement, then God is with you. Once you start praying together and seeing the results of it in your marriage and family, you won’t want to stop!

Write down all the amazing things God is doing in your life and all the prayers that have been answered. This way you can look back on them and celebrate with each other. 

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